About ABC Game

Learn the ABC

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Multilingual (soon)

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Save you Progress

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Learn the Alphabet

Learn the alphabet playfully, water cube for water cube.

The Gridlz who are thirsty for letters. You have to give them letters to make them happy!

  • Assign the letters you hear
  • 12 levels of difficulty

You are standing on a tower. The Gridlz who are thirsty and are coming towards you. You have water cubes all around you. You will hear a letter. You have to throw the correct water cubes to the Gridlz and hit them. You can also throw them in their way. Put the incorrect ones into the hole in the middle of the tower. If the Gridlz manage to reach the tower, the tower will get lower, you have to keep them at a distance.


The correct letters must be thrown to the Gridlz, the incorrect ones into the hole in the middle of the tower. If you’re doing wrong, then water cubes will disappear. The tower will get lower when the Gridlz are right at the tower and it will get higher again when you make the right decisions.

The Project

It all started with a call on reddit for apps to learn the alphabet for people with learning difficulties. Many people are involved in the project now. The Gridlz abc game is just a little part of this project. It is constantly being developed with new knowledge. If you are interested in joining the community or if you have any other questions or feedback. For more information join the project on Discord.

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